Hyaluronic acid pills: easy job, slow process

Okay, hyaluronic acid is very popular. Consequently, there are more products with it appearing in the market. Hyaluronic acid pills are one of these products, like the food with hyaluronic acid or the creams.
But, do these pills really work? Short answer: yes. Long answer: it’s complicated. Read in this article what is the best way of getting the advantages of the hyaluronic acid.
The power of hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid is very powerful for our body. It is a natural component: we already have it inside of us. However, we lose it when we grow up. Its main function is creating collagen, which makes our skin more hydrated, softer, and smoother. In other words, our wrinkles are filled thanks to collagen.
Being a 100 % natural substance, we need to constantly replenish hyaluronic acid levels in our body.
Hyaluronic acid in pills
The hyaluronic acid pills will take all these advantages to your body. But, how long until they work? The fastest way to gain the benefits of hyaluronic acid is infiltrating it. The acid will be injected directly under the skin, with immediate effects on the chosen area.
If you want to take the hyaluronic acid pills, you must know that the key to success is patience. Its effects will not be seen until a long time. You can buy the hyaluronic acid pills containers in pharmacies, but we always recommend asking a doctor specialized in aesthetic medicine.
Injecting hyaluronic acid
Injections are the only way for hyaluronic acid to reach the skin layers that cause the wrinkles and stains. This way, the hyaluronic acid is able to put an end to dark circles and volumize the lips, for example. It does so fastly and naturally, with months-lasting results.
In Instituto Médico del Prado, Daniel Arenas MD, our plastic surgeon, will always recommend you the best hyaluronic acid treatment, via creams, pills or injections. This way, you can be sure that the results will always exceed your expectations.
Dr. Espinosa Custodio works at Instituto Médico del Prado, his hair clinic in Madrid, and performs hair transplants in Mexico, twice a year. If you would like to make an appointment, you can contact us on +34 912 468 664, on WhatsApp +34 627 396 322 or on the contact page of our website. From Mexico you can contact us at +52 55 4590 9909.
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