We are starting up a new hair transplant training program at Instituto Médico del Prado. Dr. Espinosa Custodio will mentor this initiative for licensed physicians. The target is their own practical training.

Training programs will be from one to two weeks long. During this program, the attendant will learn FUE technique for follicle extraction and DHI technique for follicle implantation. These are the specialties Doctor Espinosa Custodio works with.

The potential candidate will be selected by Dr. Espinosa Custodio. He will focus on the physician, developing skills and knowledge to carry out a hair transplant fully.

Dr Espinosa Custodio

Observational Program

The studying physician will be present in every procedure carried out by Dr. Espinosa. This includes from the first consultation to performing their own surgical procedure. They will also attend the treatments carried out, such as PRPs or hair mesotherapies. They will even get to know how to safely perform postsurgical washings or removal of scabs.

Both the doctor and his team will be available to answer any doubts or queries that arise.

The program can last one or two weeks.

Practical hair transplant training program

In the practical program, the physician’s capabilities will develop best. Always supervised by Dr. Espinosa, the assisting physician will have the opportunity to take part in a case, and will be able to carry out extractions and implantations of some follicle units.

The program can last one or two weeks.


If you are interested in these hair transplant training options for your future, please send an email with more information about yourself to the clinic’s director, Isidoro Sánchez. He will provide you with all the necessary information so you can get all the details about our training programs.

Isidoro Sánchez’s email:

«The professional team of Dr. Espinosa Custodio are specialized in offering an exclusive, honest, high-precision and personalized service to the situation of each patient in order to obtain optimal and totally natural results».


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