Female alopecia
How to treat female alopecia
Although hair grafting has become popular among men, hair transplants are a permanent, safe and guaranteed solution to combat female alopecia. So are the multiple hair treatments that we carry out, such as stem cell autotransplantation, capillary PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), carboxytherapy, mesotherapy or pharmacological treatments.
Thanks to them you will see how your hair grows back healthy and strong, just like it did before. The procedures at Instituto Médico del Prado are always carried out personally by Dr. Espinosa Custodio, as well as the diagnosis and follow-up. Personalized treatment is one of the hallmarks of our clinic.

Hair transplant
Hair transplants have become popular in men, as they are more likely to suffer from androgenic alopecia. However, it is equally effective in women. Recovering density in certain areas may require a visit to the operating room due to the loss of follicles.
If you think of hair grafting, you usually imagine having your head shaved to carry out the procedure. This is something that can be traumatic, not only for women but also for men with long hair. But there’s nothing to be afraid of. If the doctor you trust has the requisite experience and skill, they will be able to perform a satisfactory skin graft with-out shaving.
In the case of Doctor Espinosa Custodio there is no doubt. He has already accumulated dozens of transplants with this technique and, as with shaving, offers a guarantee of 100% satisfaction. This guarantee is valid as long as the patient follows all the post-transplants recommendations: washes, medication, aftercare.
Thanks to the hair transplant technique without shaving, the aesthetic recovery is faster. With this technique only a part of the occipital area (donor area) is shaved and it will be hidden by the rest of your hair. You just have to be careful when changing your hairstyle. As a result, the patient will be able to recover their social and working life faster.
It should be noted that the capillary graft is especially recommended for patients who meet a series of requirements. These are, among others, that a transplant of less than 2,500 grafts is needed, localized alopecia is present and the patient wants a progressive change. However, it will be the doctor who will evaluate the patient in the diagnostic consultation and determine if it is possible to carry out this technique.
Capillary PRP
Capillary biostimulation using Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is one of the most used methods by Dr. Espinosa Custodio in his treatments due how effective it is. PRP manages to improve capillary density and strengthen hair growth in just a few sessions.
It consists of extracting blood from the patient to obtain their plasma through rapid centrifugation. Then, we enrich it with platelets and apply it to the area to be treated by means of microinjections. The goal of PRP is to restart blood circulation in the scalp, one of the main causes of alopecia.
Capillary carboxytherapy
In capillary carboxytherapy treatments, Doctor Espinosa Custodio injects carbon dioxide with a special machine into the most superficial layer of the scalp. The aim is, as in other treatments, to reactivate blood circulation under the scalp, and to revitalize the tissue thanks to the effect of neovascularization.
With carboxytherapy we manage to recover hair growth and density in cases of alopecia in women. We are also able to ensure that the hair recovers its natural color, the generation of new capillaries and the formation and replacement of collagen and elastin in the area affected by baldness in women.
Hair mesotherapy
If you are looking for natural hair treatments, mesotherapy can be exactly what you are looking for. It consists of administering vitamins, minerals, peptides and essential amino acids for the nutrition of the hair under the skin of the scalp. Its effects are the enrichment and strengthening of all the hair you already have.
Mesotherapy does not cause any pain and has been used in aesthetic medicine since the late 1980s. In addition, as it is made of natural components, we manage to avoid rejection in all scenarios. If you are interested in mesotherapy, you can also find out about its use for facial care, which reduces the signs of aging and hydrates the skin.
Pharmacological treatments
Whether as a complete treatment for mild cases, as a complement to other measures or a hair implant, there are various medications that collaborate greatly in the fight against alopecia in women. However, not all of them are useful for all types of alopecia, so it is essential that a specialist doctor prescribes them after a proper diagnosis.
The most common effects of female baldness medications are the annulment of the enzymes responsible for hair loss or the vasodilation of blood vessels to restore circulation to the scalp.
Stem cell treatments
Androgenetic alopecia can also affect young women. With only 50cc of the patient’s fat we are able to obtain enough adult mesenchymal stem cells for our hair restoration treatment. Through its activation and administration in the area affected by hair loss, we get the follicles in the resting or falling phase to become healthy again so that they grow strong and with greater capillary density.
Dr. Espinosa Custodio is a specialist in this field of medicine, which must be performed by a doctor with experience in a minor outpatient treatments room authorized by the Ministry of Health.
And if these treatments are not enough to fight against your female alopecia, we can always resort to a hair transplant, the definitive solution against androgenetic alopecia in women.