Cicatricial alopecia, what is it?

Alopecia is one of the most widespread pathologies in the population. About 50% of men and about 30% of women suffer from it throughout their lives. However, although the vast majority is usually androgenic, there are others such as areatas, universal or cicatricial. The latter, cicatricial alopecia, will be the one we will deal with in this post.

Cicatricial alopecia leads to permanent destruction of the follicle. In this type of alopecia normally an external agent influences our scalp so that the hair falls out and is destroyed. As it does not exist, it is impossible for it to grow back, as is the case with alopecia areatas, which can reverse or not, over time.

Not all of them are due to an external agent. Frontal fibrosing alopecia is also classified as cicatricial. It is a type of fall in which inflammation of the tissue occurs. It is the person’s own body that attacks and destroys the follicular units irreversibly.

It is very important, therefore, to put yourself in the hands of a good doctor. They must be an expert in trichology so that they have the knowledge and tools to make the best diagnosis. It may be necessary, in any case, to perform a small biopsy and be analyzed to determine alopecia. In this way it will not be confused with another.

Why does cicatricial alopecia happen?

Cicatricial alopecia does not have a single cause. It can occur for different reasons, from infections of the scalp or inflammatory diseases of the skin to radiation in the area that leads to the destruction of the follicle. We must not forget the burns and traumas that can cause hair loss.

As for the possibility of hair transplantation, it is essential to have the best interpretation of a specialist doctor. Grafting into scar tissue can lead to several complications. Among them, the implanted follicle can be lost and result as an unsatisfactory transplant.


Can I perform a transplant in scarring alopecia?

The best answer should be sought in a diagnostic consultation with a specialized doctor. A specialist will be the one who can give you the best diagnosis and guide whether or not you can perform a hair graft. A small test is likely to be done prior to the transplant.

Is medication necessary?

It will always depend on the doctor’s diagnosis. It will be the specialist who dictates what medication you need to prescribe for each case.

Does cicatricial alopecia appear only by an external agent?

No, in this case, alopecia does not appear only after an external agent, whether it is an infection, trauma or any other situation that leaves a scar that leads to the loss of follicles. You can also suffer an autoimmune inflammatory process that destroys the follicles. In that case it is the so-called fibrosing frontal alopecia.

Dr. Espinosa Custodio works at Instituto Médico del Prado, his hair clinic in Madrid, and performs hair transplants in Mexico, twice a year. If you would like to make an appointment, you can contact us on +34 912 468 664, on WhatsApp +34 627 396 322 or on the contact page of our website. From Mexico you can contact us at +52 55 4590 9909.

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