Hair transplant preparation
One of the big concerns of patients is the preparation for a hair transplant. Choosing a good clinic for the intervention will always be the first big decision. We can count on the clinic to be prepared to welcome us and do the best job. Then it will be the patient who will have to […]

The fight against alopecia and the desire to have hair again has been a constant since the old times. So-called “hair growth” and miracle remedies have been sought after and marketed. The truth is that today, the only way for hair to grow back after the final fall is a hair transplant. However, you can […]

One of the most frequent questions that a patient can ask is if they suffer from pain during the hair transplant. It is a question that flies over the head since the idea comes to our head and that, on many occasions, is verbalized in front of the doctor in the diagnostic consultation trying to […]

One of the conditions that can arise in our scalp is poliosis. It is an uncommon situation that affects hair pigmentation and can occur both on the head and eyebrows, eyelashes or beard. It is not synonymous with a serious illness although it is advisable to visit a specialist doctor to determine the causes and […]

In the case of androgenetic alopecia there is a certain pattern that allowed doctors James Hamilton and O’Tar Norwood to establish a scale for the classification of patients. Speaking of degrees, they advance from I to VII. This leads to a growth of alopecia from the entrances to the crown. However, there is a different […]

One of the drawbacks that can occur after hair transplantation is folliculitis. The U.S. National Library of Medicine defines this condition as an inflammation of one or more hair follicles that can occur anywhere on the skin. It is caused when follicles become damaged or blocked at their outlet. This can occur from friction against […]

Hair transplant at the Instituto Médico del Prado has many benefits. To see Doctor Espinosa Custodio is to see a team of great experience that meets all quality and health standards. This guarantees a good result and the best recovery after grafting. You can now consult with Dr. Espinosa in Mexico. But not only that, since […]

One of the latest concerns in the media is the appearance of ringworm on the head. Linked to the shaving of the scalp in certain hairdressers and barbershops. This has created a great expectation as to what it is, how to avoid it and how to fight it in case of suffering from this skin […]

The good weather is approaching, and doubts arrive in the field of hair medicine. Many are the patients who ask us if it is a good time to do a hair transplant in summer. The keys are clear, there is no problem in performing transplant in the hottest months of the year. In fact, it […]

One of the concerns of Dr. Espinosa Custodio is to help as many patients as possible. Therefore, detecting that patients who come from both Mexico and the United States, has decided since 2023 to open its services with a new consultation in the country. The Doctor has opened the agenda for hair transplant in Mexico […]