Hair transplant with long hair: The perfect option

In the field of hair transplants there are a lot of doubts that you can have. When is the best moment to do it, what clinic and what doctor should i choose, because there is a difference in prices between clinics or what technique is the best or worst to use in the transplant. Another condition to choose the clinic is the way they work to avoid it being visible which this happens to people that look for a hair transplant with long hair.

It is the same for men and women with long hair, the shaven cut can be traumatic for some people, so they could be backing out of the transplant. There is no need to worry though, because it is possible to make the hair transplant with no need of shaving all the head. Thanks to this we will avoid that trip to the operating room being visible.

Benefits of the hair transplant with long hair

The first thing to consider to have a hair transplant with long hair is the specialist. A clinic where the doctor is the one who makes all the important choices of the transplant must be chosen, like the extractions and implantations of the follicles. in this sense, The instituto Medico del Prado and Doctor Espinosa Custodio are a safe choice, because they have experience with their team in this type of interventions

It should be pointed that in the capillary transplant a part of the head must be shaven in the donor zone. this technique is called “cortinilla” or “flaps”. after the intervention, this area will be hidden by the patients hair and no scar or sign will be seen. Thanks to this intervention the patients time to incorporate to the daily/work lifewill be shorter.

Frequently asked questions

Everybody can have a hair transplant with no shaving?

The hair transplant without shaving is made for people that need a transplant of less than 2.500 follicular units, present localized alopecia and want a progressive change in their physical aspect that remains unnoticed.

How do i know if I am the right candidate for this technique?

The doctor in the diagnostics and valuation will be the one to decide if it is favorable or not to realize this technique. Also the patient must accept some specific terms in the post-operation, like the caring of the hair, making the follicle adhere correctly and not damaging the donor zone.

Dr. Espinosa Custodio works at Instituto Médico del Prado, his hair clinic in Madrid, and performs hair transplants in Mexico, twice a year. If you would like to make an appointment, you can contact us on +34 912 468 664, on WhatsApp +34 627 396 322 or on the contact page of our website. From Mexico you can contact us at +52 55 4590 9909.

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