Capillary mesotherapy in Mexico City.

Capillary mesotherapy in Mexico City.

Capillary Mesotherapy: 100% natural

Capillary mesotherapy is a completely natural treatment to halt hair loss and increase the thickness and volume of hair. It is one of the treatments that Dr. Espinosa Custodio may recommend after diagnosis. At Instituto Médico del Prado, the doctor administers a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, peptides, and essential amino acids to the patient, nourishing the hair and achieving its recovery in just a few sessions.

Mesoterapia capilar Mexico

How this treatment works

There are several ways to apply it. We can do it through the microneedling technique, that is, with small incisions using a micropuncture device. While the micropunctures are being performed, we administer all the components of mesotherapy directly to the scalp. This way, the substance penetrates to the superficial dermis and achieves the desired effect.

The other technique is manual or gun mesotherapy. In both cases, the components reach deeper layers of the skin. Both techniques are equally effective, but in the second one, a broader application area can be covered.

Why capillary mesotherapy works

All the components of capillary mesotherapy are effective against alopecia because they manage to improve circulation under the scalp, but there is one especially useful: dutasteride. It is a medication that extends the effect of mesotherapy up to 45 days after the session. During all that time, the hair is receiving the benefits of the treatment.

Benefits of capillary mesotherapy

  • Improves blood microcirculation.
  • Revitalizes hair follicles.
  • Improves the trophism of the scalp.
  • Increases the thickness and volume of hair.

Mesoterapia capilar MExico

View results of hair treatments

Capillary mesotherapy in Mexico City achieves various benefits for the patient. Firstly, it manages to restore blood circulation in the scalp, addressing the underlying cause of alopecia. Secondly, it successfully revitalizes thin and fine hairs that have not been lost.

Thirdly, there will be a return to high hair density, preventing gaps between the hair and giving a robust appearance to the entire hair. Additionally, the patient will observe an increase in hair thickness.

When are the results of capillary mesotherapy visible?

Results take time to become apparent, as with any truly effective process in hair medicine. It also requires frequent sessions; a single session is not sufficient. In the case of mesotherapy, between 4 and 6 sessions are necessary, depending on how the patient responds to the treatment.

Mesotherapy requires medical advice before starting, as it may need to be combined with oral medication or other treatments to achieve the desired result.

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«The team of the Instituto Médico del Prado is top on giving an exclusive, precise, and customized service for each of our patients. Our goal is to obtain optimal and totally natural results».


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